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Bearded dragons

Concerning bearded dragons
The bearded dragon lives up to its name: Like a dragon, it has armor made of sharp reptilian scales, including a “beard” of spikes under its chin that changes size based on its mood. There are currently eight identified species of bearded dragons, all of which are referred to as “beardies.”

Bearded dragons are among the most popular pet reptiles and are typically kind, curious, and active during the day. The most popular species to keep as a pet is Pogona vitticeps, the central bearded dragon.

In the wild, the majority of Australia is within the range of bearded dragons. They frequently favor warm, arid environments, such as deserts, subtropical forests, savannas, and scrublands. Australia outlawed the export of wild bearded dragons in the 1960s, but they have been raised for decades in the US for the pet trade and available in a variety of color “morphs” that are uncommon in the wild.

Bearded dragons require a warm habitat. Being cold-blooded, they need outside heat sources to maintain a constant body temperature that varies according on the ambient temperature. They may burrow underground to escape extreme temperatures and predators, and they bask in the sun to warm themselves.

They frequently live on fence posts and tree branches and are semi-arboreal in nature.

The bearded dragon is not a fussy eater. They can clasp and crush insects with hard shells, like beetles, with their powerful jaws. They are omnivores and will occasionally eat small lizards or rodents in addition to leaves, flowers, and fruit.

Adult bearded dragons, known for being aggressive and territorial, may fight for food, compete for females, or defend their territory from other males. If females don’t act in a submissive manner, some men may also attack them.

The lizards’ beards, which both men and females have, are an essential part of their communication system. A bearded dragon will push out its beard, open its jaws, and lift its chin when it feels threatened. A hiss might also be heard along with this display.

Bearded dragons may also communicate by bobbing their heads and altering the color of their beards. While a leisurely head bob and an arm wave are signs of submission, a fast head bob may indicate dominance.

Some bearded dragons may experience brumation, a form of hibernation, as the seasons change. During this period, they stop feeding and only occasionally drink water. As the seasons change and the temperature drops, this dormant phase typically occurs in the fall or winter.

breeding and courtship
A male bearded dragon will engage in a theatrical wooing ritual, including stomping his feet into the ground, flailing his arms, and bobbing his head. When mating, the male will chase the female and bite the back of her neck.

It is thought that female bearded dragons have an uncommon ability to retain sperm, which allows some of them to produce two clutches of 11 to 30 eggs from a single mating.

The temperature of the incubation chamber can alter the sex of bearded dragon embryos. When developing, male chromosome embryos will develop as females if the temperature is unusually high. Bearded dragons develop more slowly when the environment is warmer.

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Discovering the Enchantment of Turtle Back Zoo




Turtle Back Zoo

Turtle Back Zoo stands as a testament to the beauty and diversity of the natural world. Since its inception, this beloved zoo has captivated visitors with its commitment to conservation, education, and providing a home to a fascinating array of animal species. Let’s embark on a virtual journey to uncover the magic of Turtle Back Zoo.

History and Evolution

The roots of Turtle Back Zoo trace back to the early 20th century, evolving from a reptile collection in the late 1950s to the accredited zoological park it is today. Named after the nearby Turtle Back Rock, the zoo has undergone significant transformations, expanding its exhibits and facilities while prioritizing the welfare of its inhabitants.

Exhibits and Wildlife Encounters

From the majestic big cats to the playful penguins, Turtle Back Zoo offers an immersive experience for visitors of all ages. Visitors can wander through diverse habitats such as the African Adventure, where giraffes gracefully roam, or the Tropical Currents Aquarium, teeming with aquatic wonders from around the globe.

The zoo’s emphasis on conservation is evident in its efforts to house endangered species and educate the public about their plight. Encounters with Amur leopards, red pandas, and snow leopards highlight the critical need for wildlife preservation.

Educational Initiatives and Outreach

Education lies at the heart of Turtle Back Zoo’s mission. Through interactive programs, guided tours, and informative exhibits, the zoo aims to inspire a deeper appreciation for wildlife and promote conservation efforts. Schools and groups often participate in specially tailored programs that provide insights into animal behavior, habitat conservation, and environmental stewardship.

Conservation Efforts and Sustainability

Beyond its role as a recreational space, Turtle Back Zoo actively contributes to global conservation efforts. Collaborating with various organizations, the zoo participates in breeding programs for endangered species, conducts research, and supports initiatives aimed at protecting natural habitats. Additionally, the zoo prioritizes sustainable practices, implementing eco-friendly measures to reduce its environmental footprint.

Community Engagement and Events

The zoo serves as a hub for community engagement, hosting events, workshops, and seasonal celebrations. From summer concerts to Boo at the Zoo during Halloween, these events offer families a chance to connect with nature while enjoying entertaining activities. Community partnerships also play a crucial role, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for wildlife preservation.

Future Endeavors and Expansion

Looking ahead, Turtle Back Zoo continues to evolve, with plans for further expansion and enhancement of exhibits. The zoo aims to introduce new species, upgrade facilities to provide enhanced habitats, and implement cutting-edge technologies for both animal care and visitor experience.


Turtle Back Zoo stands as a testament to the wonders of the animal kingdom and the importance of conservation. With its dedication to education, conservation, and providing a safe haven for wildlife, this New Jersey gem offers visitors a glimpse into the beauty and diversity of our natural world while emphasizing the need for collective action in preserving it for generations to come. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, a family seeking adventure, or someone passionate about conservation, Turtle Back Zoo offers a captivating experience that inspires, educates, and fosters a deeper connection to our planet’s remarkable biodiversity.

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PetSmart Crabs – The Right Way to Care For Your Pet Crabs



PetSmart Crabs - The Right Way to Care For Your Pet Crabs

There are a number of things that you should keep in mind when you are looking for PetSmart crabs to purchase for your pet. Some of these factors include their cost, how long they will live for, and how to care for them. Also, you should consider the type of tank that you will use for them.

Life expectancy

When it comes to hermit crabs, PetSmart is probably the first place you think of. They are relatively inexpensive and can be fun to keep. If you want to find a store near you, you can check out their website.

Although the company has an online presence, you can usually get a good deal by visiting a local brick and mortar store. You can also take a look at their website to see if they have any special deals going on.

There are several things to consider before deciding which hermit crab to purchase. The life expectancy of your pet depends on how well you care for it. For example, a hermit crab’s life span will depend on how well you maintain its terrarium. It also requires proper ventilation, humidity, and fresh water.

Other considerations include the size of the tank you choose. The size of the tank is largely determined by how many crabs you wish to house. For instance, a 10-gallon tank will fit a couple of males and one or two females. However, a larger tank may be a better option if your crabs are aggressive.

Feeding habits

If you’re looking to buy your first pet, chances are you’ve done your research. You may have even consulted with an employee at your local pet store. They are supposed to be the role models for responsible pet care. However, what is the right way to treat your petsmart hermit crab?

There are a few tricks of the trade to keep your hermit happy and healthy. The most important is creating a home environment that will make them feel safe and secure. This means providing them with a suitable habitat with plenty of room to explore.

One of the best ways to do this is to provide them with an adequate supply of fresh water. Water temperature and salinity should be adjusted to suit your crab’s needs. Make sure to also feed your hermit a variety of fresh fruits, veggies, and grains.

Another way to ensure your pet is in good health is to provide it with a well-lit environment. While you may not want to put your hermit under the spotlight, a little natural lighting can go a long way towards ensuring your pet’s well being.

Cost of a crab tank

Red Claw Crabs are relatively easy pets to keep for beginners. They require an aquarium tank with a capacity of 10 gallons. However, you’ll also need a reliable filtration system.

Purchasing a tank with a filtration system is a necessary component of red claw crab care. It helps to keep the salinity and pH levels in check, and can help prevent any toxicity in the water.

Red Claw Crabs are sensitive to the water they live in. If the conditions in the tank are poor, they will be stressed and may even become ill.

Crabs need a lot of room to move around and to molt. They should have a tank that is about 60 cm wide. This will allow them to move easily, but also give them enough space to burrow under the substrate.

Hermit crabs need plenty of water. You should change about 10 percent of the water in your tank every week.

Appropriate tank mates for a Vampire Crab

Vampire crabs are a great addition to your aquarium. They are small creatures that are easy to care for and can be very attractive. However, it is important to keep them in the right environment so that they can thrive.

If you are considering getting a vampire crab, it is essential to understand its unique requirements. For instance, they are very sensitive to changes in water quality and temperature. Therefore, you must keep them in a clean and well-maintained tank.

The ideal tank for vampire crabs should be about 10 gallons. This will give them plenty of space to move around. Also, they prefer to live in groups.

Aside from the tank, you should also add plenty of plants. These can be of several types. You may even want to add floating plants.

In order to keep a healthy tank, you should change 40% of the water in the tank every month. You can also add a humidifier to maintain the desired level of humidity.


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8 Best Filters For Turtle Tanks



8 Best Filters For Turtle Tanks
Turtle tanks are specialized aquariums that are designed to house aquatic turtles. They are typically larger than traditional fish tanks and have specific requirements for filtration, heating, and lighting to ensure the health and well-being of the turtles. The size of the tank should be based on the size and number of turtles, with at least 20 gallons of water per turtle being recommended. The tank should also include a basking area, a heat source, and a UVB light source for the turtle’s health and well-being. It’s important to also keep the water clean and clear by using a good filtration system, and performing regular water changes.
  1. Canister filters: These filters are powerful and efficient, and are great for larger turtle tanks.
  2. Power filters: These filters are easy to install and maintain, and are suitable for smaller turtle tanks.
  3. Underwater filters: These filters are designed to be placed inside the tank, and are great for keeping the water clean and clear.
  4. Hang-on-back filters: These filters are easy to install and maintain, and are suitable for both small and large turtle tanks.
  5. Sponge filters: These filters are simple and efficient, and are great for keeping the water clean and clear.
  6. Box filters: These filters are great for larger turtle tanks, and are designed to be placed outside the tank.
  7. Bio-filters: These filters are designed to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, which help to keep the water clean and clear.
  8. UV sterilizers: These filters use ultraviolet light to kill harmful bacteria and parasites, and are great for keeping the water clean and clear.

Aquatic Turtle Filters & Pumps

are simple and efficient, and are great for keeping the water clean and clear.


  • Submersible pumps are designed to be placed inside the tank, and are used to circulate the water and increase oxygen levels.
  • External pumps are designed to be placed outside the tank, and can be used in conjunction with a filter to increase water flow and oxygenation.
  • Air pumps can be used to provide additional oxygen to the water, and can also be used to power undergravel filters or create a current in the tank.

It’s important to choose the right filter and pump for your turtle tank based on the size of the tank and the number of turtles, as well as the specific needs of the species of turtle you are keeping. It’s also important to regularly maintain and clean the filter and pump to ensure they continue to function properly.

What do turtle filters do?
Turtle filters play an important role in keeping the water in a turtle tank clean and clear by removing debris, waste products, and other contaminants from the water. They work by drawing water through a series of mechanical and biological filtration media that trap and remove debris, bacteria, and other impurities.

Mechanical filtration: this type of filtration uses materials such as sponge or filter pads to physically remove debris and particulate matter from the water.

Biological filtration: this type of filtration uses materials such as bio-balls or ceramic noodles to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria that break down waste products and other contaminants.

Chemical filtration: this type of filtration uses activated carbon or other chemical media to remove dissolved impurities and odors from the water.

Some filters also include a UV sterilizer, which uses ultraviolet light to kill harmful bacteria and parasites in the water.

Overall, turtle filters help to maintain a healthy environment for the turtles by keeping the water clean, clear, and free of harmful contaminants. It’s important to choose the right filter for your turtle tank based on the size of the tank and the number of turtles, as well as the specific needs of the species of turtle you are keeping.

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