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Hamster Cages at Petsmart



Hamster Cages at Petsmart

Hamster cages are a great way to provide your pet with a safe place to stay. There are several types of cages available, including Glass terrariums, plastic and wire-top cages, and wood-cage options. When choosing a cage for your pet, you’ll want to choose a design that’s comfortable for your pet to move around in, while providing a secure, clean environment.

Wooden cages

If you’re looking for a new hamster cage, there’s a wide variety to choose from. The best hamster cages are made of sturdy materials that can stand up to your pet’s daily adventures. They should also have room for all of your pets’ needs and be able to accommodate accessories.

While you’re choosing a new hamster cage, you should consider the size. A larger cage can provide your pet with more space to run, play and climb. It’s a good idea to look for a cage with a large wheel, too.

You should also consider the quality of the material. Some types of hamster cages are made of wood. These are durable and resistant to tearing and splinters. On the other hand, some types are made of plastic. Make sure to keep the substrate in the cage at least six inches thick.

Using the right type of hamster cage is the key to keeping your critter happy and healthy. There are several options to choose from, including acrylic, fir wood, and wire.

Glass terrariums

Glass terrariums for hamsters offer an ideal place to house your tiny pets. They’re easy to assemble and they provide plenty of space.

Glass terrariums come in a variety of sizes. The 40-gallon size costs $180 to $250. Choosing the right one can be tricky. It’s important to make sure that the tank is the right size for your hamster. You may have to replace the top cover if it doesn’t fit.

You should also consider the mesh wire that the top of the tank is attached to. Using this will give your hamster plenty of ventilation and allow you to easily pick up litter.

The best way to keep your pet clean is to use wood shavings in their cage. These are odorless and hypoallergenic. Wood shavings are also the easiest substrate for cleaning.

Hamsters are nocturnal creatures. They like to nest and dig. This means that your hamster’s room should have a floor that is deep enough for burrowing. Also, it’s a good idea to have separate corners for food and bathroom.

Wire-top cages

If you’re looking to buy a wire-top hamster cage for your little buddy, there are some good options out there. These cages are small, but they offer plenty of space to play and exercise. They can also help keep your critter’s home clean.

One of the best hamster cages on the market is the Prevue Pet Products 528 Universal Small Animal Home. It offers a spacious base and two doors for easy access.

This cage comes with a sturdy hamster wheel and a water bottle. It also has a ramp that leads to the top level. Another feature is an elevated platform, which makes for a second story for your critter.

Aivituwin’s 3-Tier Hamster Cage comes with 700 square inches of floor space. It also has hideaways, an exercise wheel, and tunnels.

Savic’s Metro Cage has a deep plastic base that is perfect for burrowing. It also includes two hideaways, a water bottle, and an exercise wheel.

Plastic cages

Petsmart is one of the many pet stores in the United States. They sell a variety of pets, pet supplies and cages. However, a recent class action lawsuit filed against PetSmart claims that their hamster homes are defective. The lawsuit seeks monetary damages, attorneys’ fees and court costs.

Hamsters are notorious chewers. They can become sick if they are exposed to plastic cages or if their bedding is suffocating. Some hamsters may escape from their plastic cages and become ill. Another problem with plastic hamster cages is that they are hard to clean.

The best cages for hamsters have a solid bottom and have at least 450 square inches of floor space. This is the minimum recommended by the California and Ontario hamster associations. There are also plastic tunnels for hamsters that are sturdier and easier to keep clean.

Hamsters have an elaborate burrow system by nature. Ensure your cage has a running wheel so your hamster can maintain their growing teeth. In addition, make sure your hamster has at least two inches of bedding. Petsmart recommends cedar and pine bedding, which are safe for small animals.


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Understanding the Leopard Gecko as a Pet: A Comprehensive Guide



Leopard Gecko as a Pet


Leopard geckos are one of the most popular pet reptiles in the world. They are small, gentle, and easy to care for, making them ideal pets for both experienced reptile owners and first-time pet owners. However, despite their popularity, there is still a lot of misinformation and misconceptions about these fascinating creatures. In this article, we will take a closer look at the leopard gecko, exploring everything you need to know about their natural habitat, care requirements, and behavior.

Natural Habitat

Leopard geckos are native to the arid and semi-arid regions of South Asia, including Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. In their natural habitat, they live in rocky outcroppings and burrow in the soil to escape from the heat. They are nocturnal creatures and are most active during the evening and night, hunting for insects and other small prey.

Care Requirements

When it comes to caring for your leopard gecko, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you need to provide them with a suitable habitat. This includes a spacious terrarium with a substrate for digging and hiding, a basking spot for warming up, and a water dish for drinking and soaking. Additionally, you will need to provide them with a healthy and varied diet, consisting of live insects and occasional supplements of fruits and vegetables.


Leopard geckos are relatively docile and easy-going creatures, which makes them great pets for families with children. They are not aggressive and do not bite, making them ideal pets for handling. They are also relatively independent, which means they do not require a lot of attention or interaction, making them ideal pets for busy owners. However, they do need to be handled regularly to maintain their trust and confidence, and to avoid stress and anxiety.


Leopard geckos are generally hardy and healthy creatures, but like all reptiles, they are susceptible to certain health problems. Some of the most common health issues include skin infections, respiratory infections, and parasite infestations. To keep your leopard gecko healthy, it is important to provide them with a clean and hygienic habitat, a balanced diet, and to regularly monitor their health and seek veterinary care if necessary.


Breeding leopard geckos can be a rewarding experience, but it is also important to be well-informed about the process. Female leopard geckos can lay up to two clutches of eggs each year, and the eggs will hatch in around 60 to 90 days. During this time, the eggs need to be kept at the right temperature and humidity to ensure proper development, and the hatchlings will need to be provided with a suitable habitat and diet.

Common Myths

Despite their popularity, there are still many myths and misconceptions about leopard geckos. Some people believe that leopard geckos are difficult to care for, or that they are aggressive and bite. However, these myths are simply not true, and leopard geckos are actually quite gentle and easy to care for. It is important to dispel these myths and educate people about the true nature of these fascinating creatures.


Leopard geckos are a great pet for reptile enthusiasts and first-time pet owners alike. With the right care and attention, they can live long and healthy lives, and provide their owners with years of joy and companionship. Whether you are an experienced reptile owner or just starting out, a leopard gecko is a great choice for your next pet.


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Moss Ball Petsmart: A Comprehensive Guide



Moss Ball Petsmart

A moss ball, also known as a Marimo ball, is a unique and fascinating addition to any aquarium. These spherical clusters of green algae have become increasingly popular as pets and are now widely available at pet stores such as PetSmart. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about moss balls and how to properly care for them in your own aquarium.

What is a Moss Ball?

A moss ball is a species of green algae that grows into a ball-like shape. The scientific name for this algae is Aegagropila linnaei and it is native to freshwater lakes in Japan, Iceland, and Europe. These balls of moss are soft and velvety to the touch, and they are often used as a natural filter in aquariums. They absorb impurities from the water and provide a habitat for beneficial bacteria, helping to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem in your aquarium.

Benefits of Having a Moss Ball in Your Aquarium

There are several benefits to having a moss ball in your aquarium, including:

Natural Filter

As mentioned, moss balls act as a natural filter, absorbing impurities from the water. This helps to keep your aquarium clean and healthy, which is beneficial for all of your aquatic pets.

Low Maintenance

Moss balls are extremely low maintenance. They do not need to be fertilized, and they do not require special lighting or equipment. Simply place them in your aquarium and watch as they grow and thrive.

Aesthetically Pleasing

In addition to their practical benefits, moss balls are also aesthetically pleasing. Their bright green color adds a pop of color to your aquarium and their unique shape adds interest and texture to your underwater landscape.

How to Care for Your Moss Ball

Caring for your moss ball is simple and straightforward. Here are the key things you need to know:


Moss balls do not require special lighting, but they do need some light to thrive. Place your moss ball near a light source, but not directly in the light, as this can cause it to dry out.

Water Quality

Moss balls are sensitive to water quality and they will not thrive in water that is too dirty or contaminated. Make sure to regularly clean your aquarium and change the water as needed.


Moss balls prefer cooler water temperatures, between 60-70°F. If the water in your aquarium is too warm, it can cause your moss ball to break apart.


Moss balls do not have roots, so they can be placed anywhere in your aquarium. However, they should not be placed near any strong currents or filtration systems, as this can damage the delicate algae.


Moss balls can easily be propagated by gently pulling apart the algae and separating it into smaller balls. This allows you to create multiple moss balls from a single one, making it a great value for your aquarium.


In conclusion, moss balls are a unique and fascinating addition to any aquarium. They act as a natural filter, provide a habitat for beneficial bacteria, and add interest and texture to your underwater landscape. With proper care, moss balls can thrive in your aquarium for many years, making them a great investment for any aquarium enthusiast.


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Understanding Fluval Canister Filters: A Comprehensive Guide



Fluval Canister Filters


Fluval canister filters are an essential part of any aquarium setup. They play a crucial role in maintaining the health and cleanliness of your fish and plants, providing a clear and healthy environment for them to thrive in. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about Fluval canister filters, from their functions and benefits to the different types available and how to choose the right one for your aquarium.

What are Fluval Canister Filters?

A Fluval canister filter is a type of external filtration system that uses a canister filled with filtration media to clean and filter water in your aquarium. It is a popular choice among aquarium owners due to its efficient and effective filtration, quiet operation, and customizable options.

Functions and Benefits of Fluval Canister Filters

Fluval canister filters have a multi-stage filtration process that removes impurities and contaminants from the water in your aquarium. This includes mechanical filtration, which removes solid waste and debris, biological filtration, which removes toxic nitrogen compounds, and chemical filtration, which removes pollutants and odors. These filters also provide a high flow rate, which helps to improve water circulation and oxygenation, creating a healthy environment for your fish and plants.

Different Types of Fluval Canister Filters

There are several different types of Fluval canister filters available, each designed for specific aquarium sizes and types. These include:

  • Fluval 106 Canister Filter
  • Fluval 206 Canister Filter
  • Fluval 306 Canister Filter
  • Fluval 406 Canister Filter

Each of these filters has unique features and capabilities, making it important to choose the right one for your aquarium.

Choosing the Right Fluval Canister Filter

When choosing a Fluval canister filter, it is important to consider the size of your aquarium, the types of fish and plants you have, and your filtration needs. You should also consider the flow rate and filtration capacity of the filter, as well as its ease of maintenance and customization options.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Maintaining and cleaning your Fluval canister filter is an important part of keeping your aquarium healthy and clean. Regular maintenance includes cleaning the filter media, checking the hoses and connections, and cleaning the impeller and motor. It is also important to replace the filter media periodically to ensure its effectiveness.


In conclusion, Fluval canister filters are an essential part of any aquarium setup, providing efficient and effective filtration, improved water circulation and oxygenation, and a healthy environment for your fish and plants. With their customizable options and multi-stage filtration process, Fluval canister filters are a popular choice among aquarium owners. When choosing a Fluval canister filter, it is important to consider the size of your aquarium, your filtration needs, and the types of fish and plants you have. Regular maintenance and cleaning are also essential to keep your filter working effectively and maintain a clean and healthy aquarium environment.


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