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Hamster Cages at Petsmart



Hamster Cages at Petsmart

Hamster cages are a great way to provide your pet with a safe place to stay. There are several types of cages available, including Glass terrariums, plastic and wire-top cages, and wood-cage options. When choosing a cage for your pet, you’ll want to choose a design that’s comfortable for your pet to move around in, while providing a secure, clean environment.

Wooden cages

If you’re looking for a new hamster cage, there’s a wide variety to choose from. The best hamster cages are made of sturdy materials that can stand up to your pet’s daily adventures. They should also have room for all of your pets’ needs and be able to accommodate accessories.

While you’re choosing a new hamster cage, you should consider the size. A larger cage can provide your pet with more space to run, play and climb. It’s a good idea to look for a cage with a large wheel, too.

You should also consider the quality of the material. Some types of hamster cages are made of wood. These are durable and resistant to tearing and splinters. On the other hand, some types are made of plastic. Make sure to keep the substrate in the cage at least six inches thick.

Using the right type of hamster cage is the key to keeping your critter happy and healthy. There are several options to choose from, including acrylic, fir wood, and wire.

Glass terrariums

Glass terrariums for hamsters offer an ideal place to house your tiny pets. They’re easy to assemble and they provide plenty of space.

Glass terrariums come in a variety of sizes. The 40-gallon size costs $180 to $250. Choosing the right one can be tricky. It’s important to make sure that the tank is the right size for your hamster. You may have to replace the top cover if it doesn’t fit.

You should also consider the mesh wire that the top of the tank is attached to. Using this will give your hamster plenty of ventilation and allow you to easily pick up litter.

The best way to keep your pet clean is to use wood shavings in their cage. These are odorless and hypoallergenic. Wood shavings are also the easiest substrate for cleaning.

Hamsters are nocturnal creatures. They like to nest and dig. This means that your hamster’s room should have a floor that is deep enough for burrowing. Also, it’s a good idea to have separate corners for food and bathroom.

Wire-top cages

If you’re looking to buy a wire-top hamster cage for your little buddy, there are some good options out there. These cages are small, but they offer plenty of space to play and exercise. They can also help keep your critter’s home clean.

One of the best hamster cages on the market is the Prevue Pet Products 528 Universal Small Animal Home. It offers a spacious base and two doors for easy access.

This cage comes with a sturdy hamster wheel and a water bottle. It also has a ramp that leads to the top level. Another feature is an elevated platform, which makes for a second story for your critter.

Aivituwin’s 3-Tier Hamster Cage comes with 700 square inches of floor space. It also has hideaways, an exercise wheel, and tunnels.

Savic’s Metro Cage has a deep plastic base that is perfect for burrowing. It also includes two hideaways, a water bottle, and an exercise wheel.

Plastic cages

Petsmart is one of the many pet stores in the United States. They sell a variety of pets, pet supplies and cages. However, a recent class action lawsuit filed against PetSmart claims that their hamster homes are defective. The lawsuit seeks monetary damages, attorneys’ fees and court costs.

Hamsters are notorious chewers. They can become sick if they are exposed to plastic cages or if their bedding is suffocating. Some hamsters may escape from their plastic cages and become ill. Another problem with plastic hamster cages is that they are hard to clean.

The best cages for hamsters have a solid bottom and have at least 450 square inches of floor space. This is the minimum recommended by the California and Ontario hamster associations. There are also plastic tunnels for hamsters that are sturdier and easier to keep clean.

Hamsters have an elaborate burrow system by nature. Ensure your cage has a running wheel so your hamster can maintain their growing teeth. In addition, make sure your hamster has at least two inches of bedding. Petsmart recommends cedar and pine bedding, which are safe for small animals.


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Petsmart Clive: Your One-Stop Shop for All Things Pet



Petsmart Clive

Are you a pet lover looking for the best possible care and attention for your furry friends? Look no further than Petsmart Clive! Our store offers a wide range of products and services to meet all of your pet’s needs. From food and toys, to grooming and training, Petsmart Clive has everything you need to keep your pet healthy and happy.

A Wide Selection of Premium Pet Products

At Petsmart Clive, we understand the importance of providing your pet with the best possible care. That’s why we offer a large selection of premium pet products, including food, toys, and accessories. Whether you’re looking for high-quality dry food, canned food, or treats, we have something to suit every pet’s tastes and dietary needs.

Professional Grooming Services

In addition to providing the best products for your pet, we also offer professional grooming services to keep them looking and feeling their best. Our experienced grooming team can provide a full range of services, including bathing, haircuts, and nail trims. We use only the highest-quality shampoos and grooming products to ensure that your pet is well-cared for and comfortable throughout the entire grooming process.

Expert Training and Behavior Support

At Petsmart Clive, we believe in providing our customers with all the resources they need to care for their pets to the best of their abilities. That’s why we offer expert training and behavior support to help pet owners address any issues they may be facing with their furry friends. Whether you’re dealing with a new puppy or an older pet with behavioral problems, our team of experts can help you find the right solution for your specific situation.

Convenient In-Store Services

In addition to all of the products and services we offer, Petsmart Clive also provides a variety of convenient in-store services to make your life easier. From self-service pet wash stations to in-store pet adoption, we have everything you need to keep your pet healthy and happy.

A Commitment to the Community

At Petsmart Clive, we are dedicated to giving back to the community. That’s why we support local animal shelters and rescue organizations by hosting adoption events and fundraising activities. We also provide educational resources and support to pet owners in the community to help them care for their furry friends to the best of their abilities.


In conclusion, Petsmart Clive is the ultimate destination for all of your pet’s needs. With a wide selection of premium products, professional grooming services, expert training and behavior support, and convenient in-store services, we have everything you need to keep your pet healthy and happy. So why wait? Visit us today and see why Petsmart Clive is the best choice for pet lovers everywhere!


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Fancy Bearded Dragons: A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Them as Pets



Fancy Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptile pets due to their friendly nature and relatively easy care. These fascinating lizards are often kept as a fancy pet by reptile enthusiasts, but they are not suitable for all pet owners.

Introduction to Fancy Bearded Dragons

Fancy bearded dragons are a morph of the common bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), known for their unique patterns, colors, and morphs. They come in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, and brown, and have distinct markings that make them a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts. Unlike their common counterpart, fancy bearded dragons have unique and intricate patterns that make them visually appealing to pet owners.

Types of Fancy Bearded Dragons

There are many types of fancy bearded dragons available in the pet trade, each with its unique pattern and color. Some of the most popular morphs include:


Hypomelanistic bearded dragons are characterized by a lack of black pigmentation, giving them a lighter appearance compared to their common counterpart. This morph is also known for its vibrant colors and patterns.


Translucent bearded dragons are a type of hypomelanistic morph that are characterized by a translucent appearance, making their internal organs visible. This morph is a rarer type of fancy bearded dragon, making it highly sought after by pet owners.

German Giant

German giant bearded dragons are the largest morph of the fancy bearded dragon, growing up to two feet in length. They are known for their massive size and gentle disposition, making them a great choice for pet owners who want a large pet reptile.


Leatherback bearded dragons are characterized by their smooth, leathery skin, which is different from the common bearded dragon’s rough skin. This morph is highly sought after by pet owners due to its unique appearance and gentle nature.

Caring for Fancy Bearded Dragons

Keeping fancy bearded dragons as pets requires a significant commitment from the pet owner. Proper care and attention must be given to ensure the health and well-being of these fascinating reptiles.


Fancy bearded dragons should be kept in a large terrarium with ample space for them to move around and bask. A 40-gallon terrarium is the minimum size recommended for an adult bearded dragon, but larger terrariums are preferred for these active reptiles. The terrarium should be equipped with a heat source, such as a heat lamp, to maintain a temperature range of 80-100°F.


Fancy bearded dragons are omnivores and require a balanced diet of both insects and vegetables. A diet high in calcium and protein is essential for their growth and health. Some of the best food options for fancy bearded dragons include crickets, mealworms, and green leafy vegetables like kale and collard greens.

Health Care

Fancy bearded dragons require regular health check-ups to ensure they are healthy and free from any illnesses or infections. Regular visits to a reptile veterinarian and proper parasite control are also important to ensure their well-being. Additionally, it’s essential to provide a clean and hygienic living environment for your fancy bearded dragon to reduce the risk of infections and illnesses.


In conclusion, fancy bearded dragons are an interesting and fascinating pet that requires a significant commitment from their pet owners. They are known for their unique patterns and colors, making them a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts. However, it’s essential to ensure that proper care and attention are given to these reptiles to ensure their health.


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Aquatic Frogs for Sale: An In-Depth Guide



Aquatic Frogs for Sale


Aquatic frogs are fascinating creatures that have captured the attention of many pet owners. Not only are they unique and interesting to look at, but they are also relatively low maintenance and make great pets for people of all ages. With their beautiful, intricate patterns and playful personalities, aquatic frogs are sure to bring joy and excitement to any home.

Types of Aquatic Frogs

There are several different species of aquatic frogs, each with its own unique features and behaviors. Some of the most popular types of aquatic frogs include African Dwarf Frogs, Dwarf Clawed Frogs, and Fire-Bellied Toads. Each species has its own specific needs, so it’s important to do your research and choose a type that will thrive in your particular environment.

Choosing the Right Frog

When choosing an aquatic frog, it’s important to consider its size, behavior, and habitat requirements. It’s also important to consider the cost, as some species can be more expensive than others. You should also consider your own lifestyle and the amount of time and effort you’re willing to put into caring for your pet.

Setting up a Home for Your Frog

Once you’ve chosen your aquatic frog, you’ll need to set up a suitable living environment for it. This will include a spacious tank, filtration system, heat source, and hiding places. It’s also important to have a proper lighting setup, as aquatic frogs need light in order to maintain their health and well-being. You should also research the specific needs of your particular species, as some may require special equipment or dietary considerations.

Caring for Your Frog

Aquatic frogs are relatively low maintenance pets, but they still require a certain level of care. This includes providing a proper diet, cleaning their tank regularly, and monitoring their health. It’s also important to make sure their water quality is maintained, as changes in water conditions can have a major impact on their health and well-being. Regular interaction and handling will also help strengthen your bond with your pet.

Common Health Issues

Like all pets, aquatic frogs are prone to certain health issues. Some of the most common issues include parasites, fungal infections, and skin infections. If you notice any changes in your frog’s behavior or appearance, it’s important to seek veterinary care right away. Regular check-ups and preventive measures can help ensure your pet stays healthy and happy.


Aquatic frogs make great pets for people of all ages. With their unique features and playful personalities, they are sure to bring joy and excitement to any home. Choosing the right species, setting up a suitable living environment, and providing proper care will help ensure your pet remains healthy and happy. If you’re looking for a new pet, consider an aquatic frog and see for yourself why these fascinating creatures have captured the hearts of so many.


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